inc cursed bag lady and cursed drifter town to town

traditional bag lady creation witchcraft (sleeping/living on city streets with trash bags in shopping carts)  verses elaborate/elegant curssed bag lady (living/sleeping in a car and driving around from town to town in the united states or europe...)

traditional drifter from town to town witchraft (I but my clothes in a bag, and threw it over my shoulder and  and I walked from town to town in the united states looking for work or whatever, verses the elaborate drifter ( I drifted from town to town in europe)


cause the victim to be without income..

  a) interfere with job and cause the victim to be fired, try and

  b) steal social security income, going over the ssd monthly requirement

  c) station demonics on job boards and insure victim does not get another job.. income will interfer with a victim being a homeless bag lady, so it is necessary to get the victims income, keep without income or trick and decieve the victim to be without income, whatever it takes to insure they have no money..


cause the victim to be homeless

  a) without income the victim can't pay their rent or mortgage and then get evicted or lose their home or apartment..this puts the person on the street..

  b) cause the victim to abandon or leave their property in an apartment or a home..abandonment of ones resources due to their witchraft games is an effective way to create the homelessness for the bag lady and drifter games thus use the broadcaste transmitter to suggest to the victim to abandon their homes, family and properties..

  c) if the victim sees the homelessness scam..make suggestions that carry out the homelessness scam but the victim doesnt see that the move that they are making carries out their homeless cursed scam...

      buy land in the wilderness and tell the victim to build a cabin or off the land..piss in the woods, take baths in ponds..this is similar to the bag lady who lives on the streets of new york and sleeps in central park or in subways...this one is still sleeping out of doors, but sleeping on open land...

  d) convince them to pile their clothes or belongings into a car and drive from town to town with their clothes in cars....bag ladies pile their belongings into shoppng carts..drifters carry their clothes on their backs

  e) suggest drifting in foreign countries, or living on the streets in foreign countries

      also stalk the victim with folks to such a degree that they claim that to get rid of being stalked they are moving way out in the middle of know where to get away from folks....(cult compound building)


try and turn the open land into a cult compound, similar to the branch davidians in waco..then you can storm the compound with police units..however the police units/politicians/media/military/entertainers who created the bag lady/drifter/then subsequent compound remain "unexposed"...and not prosecuted by the law for what they did (attacks) on a american citizen.


planting evidence and building excuses to justify their attacks on the american citizen  this involves

    a) building websites, selling land, controlling employment options control living areas, towns apartment units, cities


celebrities/entertainers/media outfits/military units/politicians who support and turn american citizens into bag ladies, drifters, and use police systems to arrest their target victims after they have harrass and attacked the victim 

( that is having the victim being blamed for their vicious attacks and cult games aimed at the victim routine)










websites that work with this drifter/bag lady program

1. land century  selling ragged looking land and houses out in the middle of the land for the breakaway cults to live on...

2. landmodo  supply the land for the breakaway cults to live on...

3. major media news outlets on line that send messages to demonics/ celebrity demonics/political demonics/ attacking a victim with theese programs

4. moribdly hollywood site on the internet as a scam to tell demonics what to cause the current victim to do or become....

5. dark music and dark imagery..trying to cause the victim to listen to dark music (created by US musicians) or look at dark imagery on tv or internet, if the victim wont turn on the dark music or dark imagery, use others in the victims home to turn on the tv or source of the dark music or images..

6. with dark music you have double play on the words in the music..that is songs with two meanings to their lyrics..

7. if you catch the victim watching a certain non dark broadcaste, subject matter, series or show, infiltrate the entertainment, and add in the dark material, and make the non dark material difficult for the victim to find...however flood the victim with all the dark material created...

7. stealing the victims property as a payment for this attack on the victim

 items most like to be stolen as a payment for the witchcraft attack on the victim

    a) late model luxury cars

    b) land

    c) clothes

    d) internet built sites..that is cause the victim to build a site that can make money..however do not let the victim use the site to get money..

              have them hold the site for years...then corner the victim with the bag lady game..and try and pay the corner of the victim with these sites that were built years ago.

8.  how to prosecute those involved and "recoup all moneys" that the victim has lost in salary, wages, investments, real estate, real property, stocks and bonds, etc due to  these politicians, musicans, entertainers, media outlets and their "in town local" representatives attack a victim with this form of a skit/routine/program or device.

these are preliminary steps to the how to overthrow the us government cult scam  which is concerned with creating a victim to use in this process.  The idea is to anger, upset, and impoverish the victim so badly, that they in revenge join these cults or create these cults to over throw the us gov.